A Visit to Muhudu Maha Viharaya

As legend has it, the brave daughter of Kelanitissa, Princess Devi landed here after being cast into the sea to spare the island from the wrath of the gods. Here the princess met her future spouse- King Kavantissa of the Ruhunu Kingdom. Though the temple complex lays claim to a fascinating history, only the remnants of artifacts can be seen today.
Experience Overview
As you walk into the temple premises, a range of stone pillars silently stand the test of time, believed to be at least 2,300 years old. Beyond the pillars is an image house, which houses three intricate stone statues. The two figurines with telltale signs of royalty are said to be of Princess Devi and King Kavantissa. They are standing side by side looking towards a statue of a monk. Towards the coast, ruins of a stupa visible from the sand can be seen. However, most remnants have been washed away with time.